DIY Gold Frame

You will need:
Picture frame. I got this one for $1 at IKEA
Gold Spray Paint
Painting cloth
Large T-Shirt

If this is your first time spray painting read bellow!

This is an extremely simple project. However, I did want to add a couple of tips for spray painting if this is your first time. Spray painting may look simple but it does take a bit of practice to get it just right.

So before you start spray painting make sure you start with the back of the frame, so you can get the hang of it. And if you are wondering what the large t-shirt is for, it will be to tie around your nose and mouth, if you don't already own a painting mask. Spray paint is very strong and easy to breathe in so you want make sure you cover both your nose and your mouth before you start.

Once you are ready to begin, make sure you shake the bottle before you start. To spray paint evenly you want to make sure the bottle is about 6 to 10 inches (15 to 25 cm) away from the frame. Then begin to spray paint in a straight line up and down. Keep moving up and down to make sure it sprays evenly, and continue until all sides are covered. Once you feel confident then turn the frame right side up and follow the same steps.

And you're done!